Wednesday 12 January 2011

interior texturing and UV mapping



luke Ahearn 3D game environment first and second edition

2 very interesting book specially the second edition witch is main focus is texturing they were my first investment and are a very good introduction to the world of texturing and game environment

Michael Ingrassia Maya for games

this book was not only focused on texturing but was one of the only one that had a good explanation on how to use a normal map

Owen Demers Digital texturing and painting
a very interesting book instead of only focusing on creation technique this book help you to try to have a better understanding of what you looking at by exercising your mind eye"as they call it in the book" it was very helpful in the creation of my textures it helped me to be more analytic about the materials that i had to texture and made the layering process a lot easier

David Franson The dark side of game texturing

Another very interesting book specially for techniques was very helpful in creating decayed textures

Derek lea Creative Photoshop CS4

this book was very helpful to help me develop my photoshop skills my plan was to try to create most of my textures on photoshop and this book showed me how to create my own custom brushes it was one of the most helping tool in creating the textures


in terms of texturing the main videos that i watched were from digital tutors i did not post any video for copyright issues but the one that i watched were:Digital Tutors - Maya - Introduction to Hyper-shade;Digital Tutors - Maya in Production  - Advanced Texturing;Digital Tutors - Maya, Photoshop - 3D Texturing in Maya and Photoshop. all those videos were very helpful as they take you thru the making of different textures using different techniques

For the UV mapping appart from some of the book cited earlier the main source of information was found again in a digital tutor video  tutorial:Digital Tutors - Maya - UV Layout.
The UV mapping was originally assigned to another member of the group but because of the workload and the short amount of time left i decided to do it myself as i understood most of the basic principles so that the work could be produce on time


Shaders: also called material they define the surface property of an object how shiny, bumpy, how lights affect it
Texture: they are the bipmap that are plugged to the texture

Texturing theory: Found the story behind the object
Texturing a door for example:
What material is it
How old, who use it, which way does it swing open
Has it been repainted if so what colours
What else can be had to the source image in order to make it more interesting

Colour Depth (most use in Gaming as they are the most friendly with memory)
4bit+16 color/8bit=256color/16bit=65536color/24bit=16777215color
*(32bit=16777215colors+8bit alpha channel) for high resolution and needed to use different kind of map
Resolution(texture size)
32*32/64*32/64*64/128*64/256*128/256*256/512*256/512*512/1024*1024 (Work in multiples of 2)
Where to use pixel
Think about Physical size and distance
For large element use a 512*512;for floor u can sometime use a smaller texture that is tiled several time for example a 128*128 texture tiled 3 times in each direction

Layering Texture in Photoshop
For example if u are doing a metallic texture use different layer piled with different level of opacity ex: L1=100%/L2=29%/L3=37%/L4=16%
Most often used tool for texturing

Image mode/image size/rotate canvas/image adjustment/brightness contrast/colour balance/hue saturation
*Adjustement layer :it allow you to adjust different aspect( hue/saturation or brightness/contrast) of all the layer under it
Drop Shadow: very useful tool to give more shadow to you texture if you know where the light is coming from
Outer glow; bevel and emboss again wake sure to know where the light is coming from
Plastic Wrap; Gaussian blur and sharpen (opposite effect)
Add noise: give a more realistic feel to your texture; craquelure


Anastropic : good for brush metal; velvet;(give materiel a define specular highlight)
Blinn: good for soft metal plastic and leather
Lambert (default shader): good for object that don’t reflect light
Phong: good for glass; very shiny plastic and metal like chrome
PhongE: it has a softer highlight than the phong  and has 2 more control( roughness and colour whiteness


the style we are trying go for is realistic looking environment  that is very old where all the object composing the room are dusty and decayed


Picture frame:the first model i received from the group modeller Jure Bralic

i decided to unwrap the UV's of this object to experiment and have more control over the different stains
UV Snapshot

wood texture that i offseted and used as an overlay on the base colour of the frame

metal texture used for metallic parts 

i created a dust texture using 2 concrete texture overlapped with a low opacity on each

this dust texture was the main textures used for all the object dust layer at diferent level of opacity

images i used to create some stains and crack for the glass all the the source images were found from picture taken during museum group visits google and from an image collection from Total Textures like those 3 images that were very helpfull to create some of the stains and glass cracks on my textures

final texture

model with textures

Mirror made by Jure

image used for creating the mirror metal tecture

same texture retouched on photoshop

glass texture with alfa channel
object with final texture

Sofa chair made by Jure

source images

UV snapshot

for the texturing i used a very dark green base colour and a leather texture that i offseted and used as a pattern

Final texture

texture bump

object with final texture

the other stain were made using some brushes created in photoshop and erasing some part of the dust layer

letter and pen model made by Jure

for the writing on the letter i found a letter from a second world war soldier to his wife

3 May 1944 There has never been any doubt in my mind that our future will be as happy, if not happier, than our past. Our past has been marred by short get togethers and long departures. I'm sure that the happiest day of my life will be when all this is over and I finally come home to you to stay. I don't know if you still expect me home in a few months, but if you do, I regret to say that it will be longer than we thought. I love you with all my heart honey.

the texturing was all done on photoshop using brushes and layer blending mode color burn was the most used in that case i also created an alfa channel to the pen to create cracks

letter and envelope texture from uv snapshot

pen textures

pen tip

objects with final textures

cupboard model made by Jure

source images

UV smapshot

clean version of textures with all base color

dust map and other stain added

handles texture made with same dust map and photoshop spatter brushes

final model with textures

the first cupboard was a good experiment as well specially for experimenting on paint decay
and made the second cupboard more easy to produce

second cupboard model made by Jure

UV snapshot

 texture with dirt map
i found a very interesting technique in the dark side of game texturing book showing how to create convincing paint decay using the selection tool a quick mask and the spatter brush filter

the paper texture were made using custom brushes created in photoshop using scans of coffee stain an others set up on colour burn with a sepia layer at low opacity and the same dust map

model with final textures

gun model made by Jure

source image
i did not unwrap the gun i jest created the texture and map them to the object

gun metal texture with dust map applied to it

wood texture for handle i added some stain to the texture to help push the old look of the object

the source image has some criss-cross on the handle and the big screws needed a gap so i created a bump map for each

handle bump original patern created in photoshop

final tiled version

screws bump

model with final textures

main table made by Jure

source image

i decided to unwrap the table as it was one of the biggest item in the room and has a lot of object on it so that i could have more control over the texturing

UV snapshot


wood picture was used as an overlay to create a wood pattern on the top of the base color

the metal textures is the same overlay principle with 3 different base colour

texture clean and texture with dirt map applied

the water stain were made using a photoshop custom brush

model with final textures clean and dirty version

all the other models with wood were done the same way by applying a wood texture
so i ll only added the extra textures when relevant

main chair model made by Jure

source image
the only thing added on this model in term of texturing was the the leather texture for the seat which i added some stain mark to

model with final texture

side chair model made by Jure

i added a bump to create some damage and changed the wood texture a bit for this model

wood texture and bump map

Model with final texture

side table model made by Jure

for this table i changed the wood patern

wood patern source image

Final wood texture

for the dirt map i try to create a hand mark and stain using default photoshop brushes and others that i created with the robber tool at different level of flow and opacity

metal texture this textures created was used for different objects by changing the colour range and applied most of the techniques that i learned

model with final textures

Big picture frame model model made by Jure

source image those image were found in museums visit and google which i added a dirt ma to

wood texture
 model with final textures

book shelf model made by Jure
the wood textures were made the same way as the side table

book source image found in museums and google

book cleaned up with dirt map applied to them

Model with final textures

coat-hanger model made by Jure

the only thing added was the metal texture of this model

model with final textures

Vinyl player model made by Jure

vinyl player UV snapshot

source images
vinyl covers from artist of that time



bump map made with the noise and radial blur filter

vinyl frame texture

model with final textures

phone model made by jure

source images


models with final textures

 pocket watch model made by Jure

source images


base gold color


tiff file texture for glass material showing unwrap uv's

model with final textures

model with final textures

smoking pipe model made by Jure

source image

this celtic patern was used to create a bum ma on the pipe

Model with final texture clean and dirty version

glasses model made by Jure


glass material texture showing alfa channel for crack

model with final textures

name plate model made by Jure

for the name i researched internet for the most common british names in the 1030's
the name and surname that came up the most were William and Robinson


bump map

textured model

glasses model made by Jure

there is different bottles and glass but they were textured using the same method a dust texture with a alfa channel for transparency


textured models

Map model made by Jure

source image found on google

textured model with dirt map applied to image

Radiator model made by Jure


textured model

candle holder model made by jure

textured model

carpet model made by Jure

source image

textured model with dirt map added to image

clock model made by Jure

source image

texture showing unwrap UV's saved as a tiff for glass crack alfa channel

textured model

door model made by jure

door texture with unwrap UV's shown

textured model

Fan model made by Jure

source image


textured model

Lamp model made by Jure

source image


textured model

light swich model made by Jure

textured model

ashtray model made by Jure

textured model

room structure with piping and light model made by Jure


textured room

after group discussion it was decided that the walls needed changing

Source image

texture with stains and dirt map

floor texture

Bump map

render with final wall texture the bump map looked a bit too high and was reduce before the final render

intro tv and room  model made by Jure

textures for walls and celling

source images




textured models

outside view model made by Jure

textured model

Concept Art and Story boarding made by Kieron Proverbs

room pic with all object and textures applied and full lighting to have a better look at the room done by Reno Cicero and Jeff Chen

other lighted object by Jeff and Reno

Final  for room lighted by Reno and Jeff

render test of sea forts with lighting and sea animation made by Jeff and Reno

Second Test Render from Reno Cicero on Vimeo.

sound tract found by reno and jeff

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