Monday, 29 November 2010



Materiel: metal and granite for supporting poles
State: old; decayed; has been repainted and repaired
location: on the sea (water related decay and moss on poles) no cover from sun light

pictures of decayed metals and others

colours:brown; yellow; orange;green; grey; white; purple; beige
look:bumpy;crackled; desaturated; grains; different life form(moss and fungus) and reflect light on metallic structures

An interesting tutorial that i found on you tube about texturing

Sea fort 3D model made by group modeller Jure Bralic

Main structure plate texture:

sources images:

Final texture:


 source image

Final texture:

Fort edges with bolts

source image:

Final texture and bump map:

Concrete poles

Source images

Final texture and bump map:

Other metal plate:

source images

Final textures

Wood texture:

Source image:

Final texture

Pipes and metal plates:

source image:

final texture and bump map

Sea Fort render with texturing on:


Shaders: also called material they define the surface property of an object how shiny, bumpy, how lights affect it
Texture: they are the bipmap that are plugged to the texture

Texturing theory: Found the story behind the object
Texturing a door for example:
What material is it
How old, who use it, which way does it swing open
Has it been repainted if so what colours
What else can be had to the source image in order to make it more interesting

Colour Depth (most use in Gaming as they are the most friendly with memory)
4bit+16 color/8bit=256color/16bit=65536color/24bit=16777215color
*(32bit=16777215colors+8bit alpha channel) for high resolution and needed to use different kind of map
Resolution(texture size)
32*32/64*32/64*64/128*64/256*128/256*256/512*256/512*512/1024*1024 (Work in multiples of 2)
Where to use pixel
Think about Physical size and distance
For large element use a 512*512;for floor u can sometime use a smaller texture that is tiled several time for example a 128*128 texture tiled 3 times in each direction

Layering Texture in Photoshop
For example if u are doing a metallic texture use different layer piled with different level of opacity ex: L1=100%/L2=29%/L3=37%/L4=16%
Most often used tool for texturing

Image mode/image size/rotate canvas/image adjustment/brightness contrast/colour balance/hue saturation
*Adjustement layer :it allow you to adjust different aspect( hue/saturation or brightness/contrast) of all the layer under it
Drop Shadow: very useful tool to give more shadow to you texture if you know where the light is coming from
Outer glow; bevel and emboss again wake sure to know where the light is coming from
Plastic Wrap; Gaussian blur and sharpen (opposite effect)
Add noise: give a more realistic feel to your texture; craquelure


Anastropic : good for brush metal; velvet;(give materiel a define specular highlight)
Blinn: good for soft metal plastic and leather
Lambert (default shader): good for object that don’t reflect light
Phong: good for glass; very shiny plastic and metal like chrome
PhongE: it has a softer highlight than the phong  and has 2 more control( roughness and colour whiteness

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Callum Colvin

An artist Photographer born in glasgow in 1961 who make use of anamorphic perspective he create his piece by using different object that are laid out in a way so that they create as a all an image when you look at the installation from a certain angle


The dazzle camouflage was a paint scheme used on battle ships in world war 1 it was created by Norman Wilkinson


Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.
Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.
Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights). This color is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity.
Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love. 
Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.
Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.
Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.
Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.

Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Orange is the color of fall and harvest. In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.
Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design. Orange is very effective for promoting food products and toys.
Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust.
Red-orange corresponds to desire, sexual passion, pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst for action.
Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth. Gold often symbolizes high quality.
Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color. When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect; it is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is seen before other colors when placed against black; this combination is often used to issue a warning. In heraldry, yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice.
Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings. You can choose yellow to promote children's products and items related to leisure. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important elements of your design. Men usually perceive yellow as a very lighthearted, 'childish' color, so it is not recommended to use yellow when selling prestigious, expensive products to men – nobody will buy a yellow business suit or a yellow Mercedes. Yellow is an unstable and spontaneous color, so avoid using yellow if you want to suggest stability and safety. Light yellow tends to disappear into white, so it usually needs a dark color to highlight it. Shades of yellow are visually unappealing because they loose cheerfulness and become dingy.
Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. 
Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.

Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money.
Green has great healing power. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance. Sometimes green denotes lack of experience; for example, a 'greenhorn' is a novice. In heraldry, green indicates growth and hope. Green, as opposed to red, means safety; it is the color of free passage in road traffic.
Use green to indicate safety when advertising drugs and medical products. Green is directly related to nature, so you can use it to promote 'green' products. Dull, darker green is commonly associated with money, the financial world, banking, and Wall Street.
Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy.
Yellow-green can indicate sickness, cowardice, discord, and jealousy.
Aqua is associated with emotional healing and protection.
Olive green is the traditional color of peace.

Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.
You can use blue to promote products and services related to cleanliness (water purification filters, cleaning liquids, vodka), air and sky (airlines, airports, air conditioners), water and sea (sea voyages, mineral water). As opposed to emotionally warm colors like red, orange, and yellow; blue is linked to consciousness and intellect. Use blue to suggest precision when promoting high-tech products.
Blue is a masculine color; according to studies, it is highly accepted among males. Dark blue is associated with depth, expertise, and stability; it is a preferred color for corporate America.
Avoid using blue when promoting food and cooking, because blue suppresses appetite. When used together with warm colors like yellow or red, blue can create high-impact, vibrant designs; for example, blue-yellow-red is a perfect color scheme for a superhero.
Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness.
Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.

Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
According to surveys, almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors. Purple is a very rare color in nature; some people consider it to be artificial.
Light purple is a good choice for a feminine design. You can use bright purple when promoting children's products.
Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.
Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration.

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection.
White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity.
In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products. White is an appropriate color for charitable organizations; angels are usually imagined wearing white clothes. White is associated with hospitals, doctors, and sterility, so you can use white to suggest safety when promoting medical products. White is often associated with low weight, low-fat food, and dairy products.

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.
Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death'). Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). In heraldry, black is the symbol of grief.
Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability. A black suit or dress can make you look thinner. When designing for a gallery of art or photography, you can use a black or gray background to make the other colors stand out. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors – black gives a very aggressive color scheme.

The Color Pink
 This color produces a sedative like affect.  It is commonly used in prisons to make prisoners less aggressive and anxious.  Not all prisons have pink walls, they are mostly in cells where prisoners are for a short period of time to calm them down.  It has also been used in Private Mental Institutions where the complete decor is pink or it's sister colors.  Baby girls wear pink as a sign of femininity and gender but it also works well as the color of the nursery for it's calming effect.  Maybe that's why I have never seen a pink gym and why men that wear pink appear somewhat harmless.  Have you ever seen someone rob a convenient store wearing a pink polo

The color scarlet, mother of the red family. This color shows the emotion of Desire, Friendly Composition and a Believable Personality. Dramatic yet warm like the Christmas Holiday. I would wear this color in court. lol 

Bright Red
Bright Red is Dangerous, Exciting and loud. Red is a color of Battle and warns of Danger. I would wear red in the Boxing Ring, maybe somewhere in a Red Formal that you would definately wanted to be looked at twice. 
Coral represents Wild, fiery and Explosive. This mix of red and yellow appears to be out of control and very noticable. Standing Out in A Crowd. With these attribultes, I wouln't wear this color if i was spying on my spouse. 
 Simply known as a color for hazards.  Road signs, detours.   This color is often used on many Road Construction Websites.  I'd wear that color when I met my daughter's first boyfriend.  Hazard Ahead! 
More of an earthy tone of orange, it's mellow. Comfortable yet distinctive. It is also the color of very expensive perfumes. I can imagine a nice Amber colored sweather during the cool days of Autumn.
The color gold portrays and enhances Joy and sunny feelings.  It is also associated with power and age.  That is why my grandmother's living room decor is gold, all this time I thought she was reverting back to the seventies.
 Yellow is sharp and anxious.  It can appear startling and the overuse of yellow can make the viewer uneasy.  Although I thought it was a neutral color for babies, wrong.  I would add a bunch of yellow pillows and flowers to my living room when unwanted guests were about to arrive. 
 Lime sets your mood as clean, fresh, even naive.  It is a youthful color resembling the sprouts of a new plant.  I would put this color in my guest bedroom, or wear it to meet the "the parents" for the first time.

Leaf Green
 Leaf Green appears healthy, natural and secure.  Green is a symbol of life.  Full of Self Confidence.  What a great color to wear to an interview. Not a Leaf Green suit but an accent such as a tie, scarf or handbag. 
Sea Green
 Sea Green reflects Maturity.  It is also strong and restless, like a mature forest of  the evergreen trees or the depths of the sea. I would wear that everyday! Good accent color for office or study.
 Emerald is Brilliant, Expensive and External.  It is precious as the jewel but is also represents jealousy (The Emerald Eye Monster?) and is the color of poison.  I would just take the jewelry. 
Teal represents Primitive and Ancient. It is also intuitive and strong, free like an eagle. This color is often used in Southwest Design as Turquoise.  Teal is also used in handmade jewelry and Windcatchers. 
 Cyan makes you feel and appear Analytical and Intelligent.  It is cold, direct and to the point.  A very Articulate color.  I have seen this color in a lot of Doctor's offices as wallpaper boarder. A good color for an Attorney's office. 
Sky Blue
 Sky Blue is calm, True and Honest.  It is a symbol of peace, tranquility and good will.  Sky Blue is the choice when picking out something "blue" for a bride.  (Also color of the UNC Tarhills, yeah!) 
Dark Blue
 Dark Blue is Moving, soulful and compassionate.  This blue has heart and emotion.  Great color to wear if you want to give that impression.  
 Violet reflects serioiusness. It is thoughtful and Reflective.  Violet is a balance between red and blue which represents mediative, soul searching thought.  I good color on your screen saver when you have a writers block!

 Last but not least, Purple, my favorite color since childhood.  It represents Grand, Royal and Majestic.  It suggests excitement.  In the Western Society, it was considered to be the color of Royalty. 

Relevant colors: red; dull yellow; black;green;teal;orange; grey

Image File List

IFL (Image File List) is an ASCII file that lists other single-frame bitmap files to be used for each rendered frame.
There are various ways to animate bitmaps in 3ds max. You can use FLC files, AVI files, MOV files, or you can use incrementally numbered static image files.
When you assign an animated bitmap for any purpose and render it, the bitmap steps through each frame of its animation while each frame of the scene is rendered, resulting in an animated map.
For example, if you assign a 10-frame flic of a blinking red "Danger" sign as a texture map, apply the material to a cube, and then render a 30-frame animation, the cube displays the blinking red Danger animation three times.
The .ifl file is an ASCII file containing a list of the bitmap files to be used with each frame. You can append an optional numeric argument to each file name to specify the number of frames of rendered animation on which it is used. For example:
     ; Anything after a semicolon is a comment, and is ignored.
     sand.tga 20
     pebble.tga 40
     stone.tif 20
     boulder.tif 20
The IFL file listed above specifies sand.tga to be used for the first 20 frames, pebble.tga to be used for the next 40 frames, stone.tif to be used for 20 frames, and boulder.tif to be used for 20 frames.
Specify only the file names in your IFL files. The file paths are derived from the map paths established in your preferences.
When you're in a bitmap-file-selector dialog, for example, when you are selecting a bitmap in the Material Editor or in Video Post, you can type in the unique prefix of a list of files and a wildcard to find its incrementally numbered set.
You can use both asterisk and ? characters in the wildcard to find exactly the set you're looking for. The file selector then becomes an IFL-file generator. It makes an IFL with the unique prefix and a .ifl extension and assigns it to that bitmap's slot. You can then open the IFL file with a text editor.

concept drawing:

Concept image with decaying experiment in photoshop

Monday, 1 November 2010


blinking clock

I found a picture of an old clock dating from 1960 that look like an eye we could had an eyelid to make it wink during the night

image ref:


Desk lamp made out of bones

Image ref:

Vintage angle pose desk lamp by english designer George Cawardine in 1935


table with edges like profiles of human faces 

Image Ref:

The idea was to model this table but moving the angles on each edge so that they look like human faces from a profile view and maybe cast a shadow on the table to make it look like their is people inside the house


Pattern for carpet or wall paper with demon face hidden inside

images Ref:

The idea was to to draw some abstract pattern that would hide a demon face witch would appear when the hue of some of the patterns is changed


Could also ad some symbol that are relevant to the context of the room


                                                 A west african symbol for life after death